LL Children’s Program

Literary Leftovers’ Children’s Program…

is the umbrella under which all of our children’s programming is united. All of our offerings for local kids are centered around increasing literacy, sociability, and connectedness in our community. These things reduce the risk of criminal activity (as well as victimization) among youth, increases their earning potential later in life, and reduces the rate and severity of mental health episodes.

In our weekly Lego Clubs, Tuesdays at 10am & Thursdays at 4pm, children foster both their engineering and creative skills, and they build their interpersonal communication. They practice both cooperative and parallel play. These clubs have been especially critical in the post-Covid landscape, where many young children have been deprived of opportunities to develop these skills.

During our weekly Story Times with Corrie children practice active listening and form a familiarity with the elements of character and story, as well as the pleasure of hearing a good book read aloud.

Our Summer Reading Program encourages children to read at their level (and above!) in exchange for petites prix from the Summer Reading Basket. Summer Reading sheets are available in the shop from the beginning of June to the end of August, every year.

In our JV Book Club, young readers exercise their critical analysis and tools for discussion, and get comfortable sharing their thoughts with other readers. These clubs are facilitated by Corrie.

In 2024, we’ll be fostering events that are geared towards the young readers in our community with special needs, who may need more time and attention while shopping or participating in events.

In January 2024, we will launch our new Study Hall, where students can access homework help and tutoring from retired teachers and local tutors. (If you are interested in volunteering as an educator, please contact Corrie Albertson, at [email protected]).

We also do our best to offer a wide variety of homeschool resources, because and by the grace of our lively, vibrant local homeschooling community.