Book Club Terms and Conditions, 2025

Hello! If you’ve found this page, we hope you’re considering joining–or already have joined–us for one of our book clubs.

Currently, we offer two book clubs: Bottled Book Club, and Overstacked Book Club. 

Bottled Book Club meets the second Thursday of every month, 6-7:30pm, at Emanar Cellars in Battle Ground Village. The book price varies depending on the month, and we try to have used copies available as often as possible, but there is always a $5 ‘membership’ fee. 

Overstacked Book Club meets on the fourth Thursday of every month, 6-7pm at the bookstore. This is a more casual book-chat compared to Bottled. Once again, we try to acquire used copies of the book to keep things affordable, and that $5 fee again at the door.

Please note that like Bottled Book Club, neither of these costs can be rolled over to any future events, though you can return the book to us for a $5 credit toward the next month’s book club.

When you sign up for either of these clubs, you are agreeing with these terms.

If you have questions or concerns about any part of this, please don’t hesitate to reach out via email or phone, both available on our contact page.