K-12 Art Show & Annual Community Calendar

Every year, we select art (and poetry!) from local students to create a community calendar, and the proceeds of fund our Children’s Program throughout the year. See our Children’s Program page for more information about what exactly that involves. Once we have selected the pieces that will populate that calendar, we matte them onto poster-board and rearrange the shop to facilitate a student art exhibit. This exhibition features all submitted work, not only those pieces we’ve selected for the calendar. The exhibition is free, and is a fun chance for students to show off their work to their families as well as their larger community.

Homeschool, public school, and private school students are all welcome to submit.

All students whose work has been selected for the calendar will receive a free calendar.

Submissions open in September and close in November.

Miss Corrie is the mastermind behind this lovely tradition, which was born from a desire to spotlight and uplift the young artists and poets in Battle Ground and beyond. This is not an art of poetry contest. The pieces that we select have not been chosen because they are the Best, but because we particularly liked them, thought they would suit the arrangement, or for other reasons that are not technical judgements about the quality of the work.